How To Propagate Monstera In Water : A Comprehensive Guide
Do you know how to propagate Monstera? Do you know how to propagate monstera in water?There are various ways for propagating Monstera like through water propagation, soil propagation, air layering and root division. Here we are mostly focusing on how to propagate a monstera in water.Lets go guys to learn more about in detail.
What is Monstera plant
It is also known as Swiss Cheese Plant, having a good foliage of oblong size. It is a good choice for indoor plants as it is very easy to care by tolerating under light conditions. Originated from southern Mexico and Central America.
These are one of the most popular house plants.They are very easy to grow and can plant best in indoor areas.The structure of monstera make it more popular.But it is not easy to know how to propagate monstera in water.If you want to plant healthy momstera plant, firstly, you have to properly take care of the plant.So, before you are going to propagate monstera, you have to finds a healthy monstera plant.Some species include Monstera deliciosa, Monstera adansonii, Monstera obliqua, Monstera pinnatipartita, and Monstera siltepecana, among others.

Methods of propagation of monstera
Monstera can be propagated through various methods:
- Stem Cuttings: Cut a healthy stem with at least one leaf node and aerial root. Place the cutting in water or directly into soil to root.
- Air Layering: Encourage roots to form on a stem while it’s still attached to the parent plant by wrapping a section of stem with moist sphagnum moss and plastic wrap until roots develop.
- Division: Divide a mature plant into smaller sections, ensuring each section has roots and leaves.
- Offsets: Some Monstera species produce offsets, or baby plants, at the base of the parent plant. These can be carefully separated and replanted.
- Seed Propagation: Less common, but possible. Harvest seeds from mature fruit and plant them in a suitable growing medium.
can we propagate monstera in water?
Yes, you can propagate Monstera in water. In fact, water propagation is one of the easiest and most effective methods for Monstera propagation. By growing in water, you can monitor the root growth and by cutting , we get the nutrients for a successful growth.Next we are learning about how to propagate monstera in water.
Methods for how to propagate monstera in water
- Firstly, select a healthy, mature monstera plant having one aerial root and node.
- By using clean, sharp scissors,place a clean cut just below the node.
- Next step is remove the leaves near the node to prevent from the rotting in water.
- Next, take a clean glass or jar having room temperature water, and also ensure that root node is submerged
- Then, we have to put the cutting on a bright, indirect light and then within every 7-10 days change the water inorder to prevent the growth of bacteria.
- Change the water every few days to prevent stagnation and rot.
- Roots should start to grow in a few weeks. Once the roots are a few inches long, you can transplant the cutting into soil.
So, these are the steps regarding to propagate monstera in water.

How long to propagate monstera in water
The answer for how long to propagate monstera in water typically took around 2-4 weeks for developing the roots.It can also be change depending on the factors such as temperature, length and health of its cutting. So, you have to be patient and change the water as per the need to keep it fresh.
How to propagate mini monstera
Now, itself we gone through propagation of monstera in water. Next, we are going through how to propagate mini monstera in water.
Firstly , you have to prepare the cutting taken from the mother plant.You have to take 4-6 inch section from the stem, and also be sure that cut utmost half the inch below the node.Also, keep some aerial roots in the cutting and then again remove all those lower leaves.
Then, place the stem on a filtered water , then the aerial rots and monstera nodes have to be submerged.Then, you have to sure that you will replace the water within a 3-4 days inorder to prevent the bacterial and fungal growth.
In about 2-3 weeks, you will found that root growth happens. After forming a 3-4 inches of new roots , you have to transplant it to these into the soil. These, are the ways how to propagate mini monstera in water.

How to propagate Monstera Adansonii in water.
Now , we are mostly focusing on how to propagate monstera adansonii in water, There are various methods of propagation, but we are mostly relying on water propagation. So, lets discuss that first.
Water propagation helps you to create new monstera adansonii plants without the interference of any soil or moss involved, which states that it is easy for propagation and doesnt need any resources other than water.The only disadvantage is that cuttings can be prone to rot if it is not monitored for days.
Firstly, you have to choose a healthy monstera adansonii plant stem having one or two nods or one or two leaves.We have to use a pair of shears or razor blade inorder to make the cutting.
Sharper is more better, but you have to be sure that keep a clean and sanitized one by using isopropyl alcohol. Because the bacteria placed on the blade can be transferred to the cuttting and your experiment will loose from the beginning.
You have to snip the one inch below the last node when you placed it on water.You have to place the stem in a vase which is little warmer than room temperature.You have to be sure that every node ( the little brown bumps ) are submerged under water or not. From, this were roots will grow.
You have to trim the leaves which is under water. You don’t need to place leaves under the submerged area as they will become rot.Then, the cutting have to placed in a warm, sunny area where the cutting will get plenty of light and air circulation.
You have to change the water once per week as much as you can.Because the availability of fresh oxygen to the roots is very much needed in the initial first few weeks.
It needs atleast 4 to 6 weeks, for taking growth of atleast 4 inches.

How to propagate monstera deliciosa in water.
So, now you are going through how to propagate monstera deliciosa in water.The easiest method of propagating monstera deliciosa is through water propagation.
Firstly, you have to place the cutting in a glass which has to be filled with water and then, you can change the water by time.By keeping only the monstera aerial roots in water, it reduces the chances of being stem rot, because stem keeping out of the water help to prevent the stem rot. Generally, people use these methods, inorder for a healthy, low risk cuttings.

You have to be sure that place the cuttings on a clean container. Also ensure that cutting is not dehydrated as the growing continues. It is a very much easy method for keeping the roots moist and doesnt give a chance for drying out.
Roots are also doesnt damages when water is taken from it. Root will grow very quickly as by giving the right conditions
You know that lack of airflow in this system prevent the roots from getting any oxygen. Because , water is the only source of oxygen, which is the dissolved oxygen.And transplanting roots from the water to soil is a difficult task. A lot of effort is needed for it.
Tips for propagation of monstera in water
Select a healthy cutting: Choose a stem cutting with at least one node (the point where leaves attach to the stem).
Cutting preparation: Trim the cutting just below a node using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. Make sure the cutting is around 6-12 inches long.
Place in water: Place the cutting in a glass or jar filled with room temperature water. Ensure that at least one or two nodes are submerged in water.
Change water regularly: Change the water every few days to keep it fresh and prevent rot or bacterial growth.
Provide indirect light: Place the glass or jar in a location with bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can cause the cutting to deteriorate.
Be patient: Roots should start to appear within a few weeks, but it can take longer. Once the roots are a few inches long, you can transplant the cutting into soil.
Transplanting: Once roots are about 1-2 inches long, carefully transplant the cutting into a well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and continue to provide bright, indirect light.
Now , you went to know about how to propagate monstera in water.It is an easy technique as it gives more plant to you. You saw about different ways of propagating monstera as per your needs, but you found that propagation in water is the easiest method.Additionally, monstera is a good plant to be planted in household or office space, which gives a homely feel or attractive look, without so much effort. So, guys I hope you enjoyed reading the article how to propagate monstera in water.