Burro's Tail Propagation

Ultimate Guide For: Burro’s Tail Propagation In Simple Steps

Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum)  plant is a must-have for serious succulents. collectors. It is a standout plant for your indoor garden. .Burro’s Tail plants are a really popular choice amongst houseplant and succulent collectors. They have many things in common. names including Donkey’s Tail, Horse’s Tail and Lamb’s Tail.

If you live somewhere. warm like California. or Arizona, you’ll spot their blue beads spilling out of rustic pots, or cascading from hanging planters in the warm sun. For the rest of us, a burro’s tail sighting is rare and special. Your local nursery has . a small lot of the plants  but they disappear fast and that too at a high cost so have you ever thought about burro’s tail propagation. You can .buy them online, but most stores only ship. small two-inch pots, because they’re so delicate. Good news – burro’s tails regrow easily. So let’s learn about how to propagate burro’s tail.

Understanding Burro’s Tail

Before we will get into various propagation methods we must understand how plants propagate naturally. One of the most amazing things about the plant is that it has an ability to propagate easily from leaves or from stem. We will talk about various methods of burro’s tail propagation. Like many other succulent plants burro’s tail propagation can be done from various vegetative parts.

How to Propagate Burro’s Tail 

Burro’s tail propagation is a very cheerful and enjoyable process watching and analyzing each and every step of growth by yourself that too with minimum effort and beautiful results. Here is a step-by-step guide for burro’s tail propagation.

Selecting a Healthy Mother Plant 

First and the most important step is to select a healthy mother plant from which we will take a cutting of stem or leaf for propagation. Always look for the plant with the best growth and vibrant attractive color.

Site And Media For Propagation 

Growing media is the second most important point that will decide the success rate for burro’s tail propagation. Best and easiest is the simplest cactus mix in which silt perlite and coco peat is added in a ratio of 3:1:1 which means the soil mix should be good in drainage. Best location is where it will receive bright indirect sunlight.

Choosing The Plant Part 

There are basically two methods for burro’s tail propagation: stem cutting and leaf propagation.

For propagating through the stem take a healthy stem and remove bottom 3-4 leaves, ensuring your stem is long with several nodes. For leaf propagation just simply twist an individual leaf from the stem taking care not to break or snipe it from middle and ensuring it comes out clean without any damage 

burro's tail propagation
Selection Of Plant Material For Propagation ( Source: GF Planen)

Formation of Callus

Callus formation is the 1st sign you will observe in your burro’s tail propagation. For this take your leaves or stem to callus over by placing them in a warm place where they receive bright indirect sunlight. Place should be dry to prevent rotting.

Time to Plant 

One callus is formed its time to plant your cuttings, cutting can be planted in cactus mix that should have well drainage soil or burro’s tail propagation can be done in water.

Burro’s Tail Propagation in Water

Using burro’s tail for table top can be more appealing if grown in water. It will allow us to witness growth and development of roots closely.

Prepare The Leaves or Stem 

Select a healthy leaf  from a healthy mother plant, gently remove it by twisting, taking care not to damage it. Place the leaf in warm, dry place with bright indirect sunlight and allow it to callus over for few days with spraying any water on it 

Its Diving Time 

Your leaves will be ready to be submerged in water once callus is formed, fill a glass container with water. Place the leaves with callus in it to ensure the bottom callused part is submerged in water. Don’t fill the water to the bring and never completely submerge the leaves in water. Change water every few days to prevent rotting and algal growth.

Development of Roots 

Within a week you will start to witness tiny roots emerging from the callused portion of the leaves. Once roots are long enough or ready for transplanting, carefully transplant your rooted leaf into a well-draining cactus soil mix for further growth. While transplanting ensure not to disturb the roots and plant without damaging them

Burro's Tail Propagation
Burro’s Tail Propagation From Leaves (Source: Reddit)

Burro’s Tail Propagation from Leaves 

Burro’s tail propagation from leaf is one of the easiest and most common methods. The reason of easiest and most popular is result that we get from it is excellent here some steps on how to propagate burro’s tail from leaves 

Selecting Right Leaf 

Choose a healthy leaf not too small in size and not too big. Small leaves have very less energy for root emergence and larger leaves are coles to sentences. Gently twist leaves from the stem and allow then to callus over in warm dry place for few day 

Planting in Cactus Mix

Once your leaves have become callused , prepare your pot by filling it with your cactus mix and leveling out your surface. Spray some water and make the surface moist, do not flood it. Gently place your leaves on the surface of the soil ensuring they are making contact with the soil. Succulents are very prone to watering so never over water your pot 

Root Development 

As leaves start forming some roots you will notice some tiny rosettes on the upper surface of the leaves. Burro’s tail propagation takes time so be patient as root development takes several weeks but once roots are developed fully you will notice that the original leaf that was used for propagation have dried and blackened this is the symbol that shows roots have fully developed now you  have a new baby plant for the specimen purpose.

burro's tail propagation
Root Development In Burro’s Tail Leaves ( Source: Talking Of Plants)

Burro’s Tail Propagation With Root Hormone 

Burro’s tail propagation is taking time need to speed up the process here is a trick for you, using rooting hormones boost the root production here’s how to use it 

Prepare Stem or Leaf Cuttings

Take a spotless and healthy stem from a plant and make sure the cutting is a few inches long with multiple nodes. Always use sharp and sterilized equipment for cutting plant parts.make a shape,clean cut.

Root Hormone Application

Rooting hormones come in powder form so make a paste by adding 2+3 drops of water in some powder making a thick paste like texture, dip the cut end of the stem in the paste making sure it is properly and evenly covered up. Rooting hormones contain IAA which promotes root growth. By using rooting hormone you have just skipped the process of callus formation and saves several days of your burro’s tail propagation.

Preparing Pot 

Prepare your pot by adding potting mix in it to make sure your mix is very well in drainage, even the surface and water lightly. Make some holes in soil to place your hormone coated stem in those holes. Place the pot in a warm dry place with bright indirect sunlight until the stem develops roots in a few weeks. Do not water immediately after placing stem in soil as it will remove all the coated hormone and effect will be reduced

Once roots are formed you will have your own specimen of burro’s tail 

burro's tail propagation
Pot Preparation ( Source: Reddit)

Burro’s Tail Care Tips

Burro’s Tail makes one of them . finest houseplant. It is commonly used as an indoor hanging plant. Put it in a spot. with nice, bright light but out of any windows with. Strong direct .sunlight. You might have to move it to some indoor place during .the winter time as the sun shifts to a place where the light is brighter. It is very .important to not over water burro’s tail.. Depending on the temperature and light in your area, a thorough watering once a month will probably be enough.

Place Near a Sunny Area.

Burro’s tails need bright light or partial sun for a minimum of 4-5 hours a day. Keep it away from full. sun or bright direct sunlight, which will turn the leaves pale green or yellow; if your burro’s tail is an indoor plant, make sure it’s near bright light but away from windows with full, hot sun.; they thrive in indoor temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. If temperature falls or during winters bring your plant indoors to prevent it from cold and frost.

Water. Sparingly.

Burro’s tail is a  succulent plant, which means that its leaves store water. Overwatering your burro’s tail will cause. the plant to rot and eventually die. Outdoor plants only need water every 10 .to 14 days, though, in its growing season, we recommend watering. the plant about every 10 days when temperatures are regularly above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. When it’s time to water, use the “soak and dry” method, which means that the soil should be completely dry before watering again. Indoor burro’s tails only need a thorough watering once a month, depending on the temperature and amount of light in your home. 

Use Well-Draining Soil. 

Like all succulents, burro’s tails need well-draining soil. Pure garden soil will not work for this as it  will promote root rot, so a mixed soil for succulents is ideal. You can also make your own well-draining soil, composed of equal parts horticultural .grade sand and perlite or pumice, which you add to potting soil. Feeding compost  and worm castings will give your burro’s tails .extra nutrients; feed it these ingredients once a month during warm weather and not at all during winter as drawing winter succulents goes for dormancy.


The journey or process of bruno;s tail propagation is a fascination and wonderful in succulent growth. In this artice we have covered that this plant offers some unique and special methods of propagation from stem and leaves to a new plant. Whether you propagate this in water or in soil the key to success is patience and providing adequate conditions for successful growth.

Those who are embarking the journey of burro’s tail propagation remember to select a plant from a healthy specimen, provide well drainage soil and ensure that it is not in hot bright direct. sunlight. So whether you are a gardener or a new .enthusiast let the magic of burro’s tail propagation inspire you for gardening and cultivation with each new root that grows you deepen your connection with nature.